M151A1 Army Jeep for Sale / SOLD


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1968 M151A1 Army Jeep for Sale, $4800

Very nice 1968 M151A1 for sale.  Just arrived from long term storage. Not sure how long this has been stored (indoors) but it may be 10 years or more.  We have not attemted to start it.  Engine does turn over by hand.  Transmission shifts smoothly.  Emergency brake works.  Steering is smooth.  This looks like a pretty complete jeep.  All of the military parts are still present.  Still set up as a 24 volt system.  Includes a pretty descent top.  

I did crawl under the jeep expecting typical major rust.  I found virtually no rust underneath.  The battery box is the only area that has rusted and that is most likely from battery acid.  The jeep is straight, complete, and a good solid little jeep.  

Yes, this jeep has been cut.  I actually missed this the first time I inspected it.  When I was under the jeep looking for signs of it being cut, I did not see any.  A friend helped me determine that it has been cut.  It was not a torch or sloppy cut, but a clean and straight cut like it was done with some kind if hugh band saw.  Not cut in the typical place (behind seat or x cut).  It was cut straight across through the battery box and the gas tank sump.  It has been welded back in a very professional manner.  Not a hack job.  This jeep looks very solid.  

Call me if you need any more information.